Nomination Criteria
The purpose of the 2020 LATINAS OF EXCELLENCE AWARDS is to recognize women in Technology and Business who through their work both professionally and civically have enhanced the role of Latinas in their company.
The criteria for the award is as follows:
Active nominee:
· distinguished themselves as leaders, mentors, advocates of diversity and the full integration of a Latina
· embodying the qualities that are at the core of the organization's mission
· well respected by superiors and peers as community leaders
· aiding in creating opportunities and careers that support and contribute to the advancement of Hispanic Americans toward senior level positions
· displaying exceptional character and representing the Hispanic community with dignity and pride
The Awards Luncheon will be held on Thursday, May 7th, 2020 from 6:00 pm - 9:00pm. Must Be Present.
Nominating agent should select nomination based on set criteria and forward an electronic copy of the assemble award nomination to Yvette Moise, Vice President, Corporate development, Moisey@a-lista.org or call (770) 768-3478 with a courtesy copy to info@a-lista.org, no later than Friday March 27th 2020 .
The winning Component package should include the following items:
· Cover or transmittal memorandum. This may be a scanned or pdf format.
· Award Nomination Transmittal Form (see below)
· A single-spaced narrative describing the nominee’s accomplishments in the past twelve months that best reflect and represent the recognition of the TECHLATINO 2020 LATINAS OF EXCELLENCE AWARDS.
The narrative will be submitted in Microsoft Word format and should not exceed two pages using 12-pitch font, with 1-inch left and right margins. Please do not send a scanned or pdf format.
·An award citation highlighting the nominee’s accomplishments in the past twelve months in Microsoft Word document (single-spaced, not to exceed 18 lines of narrative, 12-pitch font, with 1-inch left and right margins). Please do not send a scanned or pdf format.
· A single-spaced biography of the nominee not to exceed one/half page in Microsoft Word document. Please do not send a scanned or pdf format.
· A digital head and shoulder photograph in color. The photo must be in JPEG format and high resolution.
· The eligibility period for the TECHLATINO 2017 LATINAS OF EXCELLENCE AWARDS is from January, 2018 to January, 2019.
Please send nomination package below to Ms. Yvette Moise, Vice President, Corporate Development, Moisey@a-lista.org or call (770) 768-3478 with a courtesy copy to Info@a-lista.org, no later than Friday, March 30th 2017.
Award Nomination Transmittal Form
Name of the Award: Georgia Latinas of Excellence Award
Name of the Nominee: ______________________________________
Position Title or Grade: ______________________________________
Corporation/Organization: ______________________________________
Mailing Address: ______________________________________________
Work Phone Number: ____________________________________
Mobile Number: ____________________________________
Email Address: ____________________________________
Name of the Nominating Official: ______________________________________
Title ______________________________________
Corporation/Organization: ______________________________________
Mailing Address: ______________________________________________
Work Phone Number: ____________________________________
Mobile Number: ____________________________________
Email Address: ____________________________________