Our annual Career and Business Expo, now in its 3rd year, helps bilinguals, tech professional and professional job seekers find jobs with some of Atlanta’s top employers. Corporations that have participated in the past include State Farm, ATT, Nationwide, The Home Depot, Coca Cola, SunTrust and OVNLatino, Department of Labor. About 400 job seekers, who are prescreened, attended in 2016.
Job openings include hundreds of positions in technology, accounting, data analysis, administration, engineering, customer service, finance, human resources, sales, Telecom and many more!
Also we will have speakers throughout the day who will give you tips on job hunting, how to be the CEO of Me, and how to network your way to the top.
The Fair is complimentary and you may have an opportunity to win complimentary tickets to the Emerging Tech Leaders’ Summit the next day. Where leaders of the new school in technology and business will come together to share cutting edge ideas and hear from some of the best minds in technology.
You won’t want to miss it!!

Media Guru speaks the topic of using social media to increase sales and engage new clients.